人才 qualified people, talented people
自学成才 self-made man
文盲 illiteracy
人才外流 brain drain
尊重知识 respect for learning
尊师重教风尚 social climate of respect for teachers and education
教师节 Teacher's Day
学前教育 preschool education
学龄儿童 children of school age
推广普通话 popularize Beijing pronunciation
普及9年义务教育 make 9-year compulsory education universal
发展德育智育美育体育 receive an education to develop morally, intellectually, aesthetically and physically
社会集资办学 schools run with funds raised from different walks of life
希望工程 Hope Project
通才教育 liberal education
大专教育 post-secondary education
高等教育 higher education
职业技术教育 vocational and technical education
成人教育 adult education
在职培训 on-the-job training
本科生 undergraduate
专科生 junior college student
学历文凭 academic diplomas
职业资格证书 job qualification certificate
电视大学 TV university
业余大学 spare time university
职工大学 university for employees
夜校 evening school
进修班 continuing study course
速成班 crash course
统考 centralized examination
高考 university entrance examination
自学考试 exams for the self-taught
高等院校 institutions for higher learning
重点大学 key university
师范大学 normal university
学院 college
中等专科学校 secondary technical school
中等职业学校 secondary vocational school
附属中学 affiliated secondary school
代培师资 train teachers for other organizations
住校生 boarder
走读生 day student
教育必须与生产相结合 Education must be combined with production.